Someone could help me set up to integrate Eclipse IDE with Github, then allow me to move up my projects in development, and when necessary to import?
I tried, but without success, if anyone knows and can help me I thank!
I tried to follow the steps you gave me, but a question arose me, for example I have a working directory C: Users Diego Workspace, and I want to move up the project on Github Helloworld i need to clone my repository in which folder? Do I need to create a new folder and save a new project in this one? I’m not getting it right, I’ve never set up Git with Github, please help me.
Hello Mark. I will perform as per the steps you described, any questions write again.
– Diego
Hello Marcos. When installing Git I need to select which option [ ] Use Git from Gir Bash Only, [ ] Use Git from the Window Command Prompt, [ ] Use Git and optional Unix tools from the Windows Command Prompt? Can you help me?
– Diego
Use Git from the Window Command Prompt. I’ll give you a sample video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0elqVtkicJE
– Marcos Lozina
Hello Marcos. I will check, thank you very much!
– Diego
Hello Marcos. I couldn’t understand what the Git functionality is like, I visualized the Video, but I couldn’t understand it, I need to understand the structure.
– Diego
Segment this tutorial lhttp://rogerdudler.github.io/git-guide/index.pt_BR.html
– Marcos Lozina
Hello Mark. I will check! Thanks again.
– Diego
Hello Mark. I supplemented my question.
– Diego