Compare data from two tables


Viewed 741 times


I have two tables:

Tabela1                        Tabela2
+------+----------+--------+   +------+----------+------------+ 
|  id  | idCidade | bairro |   |  id  | idBairro | logradouro |
+------+----------+--------+   +------+----------+------------+
| 6091 |   15890  | Vila A |   |  05  |   6091   | Av. Brasil |
| 5089 |   17500  | Vila A |   |  08  |   1000   | Av. Brasil |
+------+----------+--------+   +------+----------+------------+

The user will inform the 'street', 'idCidade'. I need to know which neighborhood is a given street in a given city. With the name of the 'street' I search in Tabela2, in the example above it returns to me the existence of two places with this name in destintos neighborhoods. But I also do a search in Tabela1, I search the 'id' of all neighborhoods of a given city. If for example I inform that (idCidade=17500) and (logradouro=Av Brasil), the neighborhood of this street would be 'Vila A' of id=5089. What query would you use for this?

  • Your example is not valid, since the idBairro of the second patio of Tabela1 is 1000 and has no record with this value in Tabela1

  • 1

    @Sorack a Av. Brasil can pass through several neighborhood, note : he passed an example, not real case.

3 answers


In the case of a table merge you should use a JOIN:

  FROM Tabela1 tb1
       INNER JOIN Tabela2 tb2 ON tb2.idBairro =
 WHERE tb1.idCidade = 17500
   AND tb2.logradouro = 'Av Brasil';

In this case the INNER JOIN will merge the tables according to the idBairro. From the merge result, we filter according to the city code on Tabela1 and the backyard of Tabela2;

If you would like to learn more about the operation of JOIN, you can check it in this excellent question answer What is the difference between INNER JOIN and OUTER JOIN?

Note: In your example, for the expected result to be returned, it would be necessary to have the following line in Tabela2:

 |  id  | idBairro | logradouro |
 |  12  |   5089   | Av. Brasil |
  • 1

    Partner, gave right as passed me, obg. I will give a thorough in this matter rs.


SELECT * FROM bairro left join logradouro  
on ( = logradouro.idBairro)
and (logradouro.logradouro like '%Av Brasil%')


Already set up address system so, the relationship is very simple, just connect via table id, the DBMS itself will create new lines for each different address.

    logradouro L
    LEFT JOIN bairro B ON B.idBairro = L.idBairro
    LEFT JOIN cidade C ON C.idCidade = B.idCidade
    B.idCidade = 17500 AND
    logradouro = 'Av Brasil'

I have directly used the name of the tables I have requested you to use.

  • I used yours, and it appeared to me Fatal error: Uncaught Exception 'Pdoexception' with message 'SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity Constraint Violation: 1052 Column 'city' in field list is ambiguous' You used the table name correctly as this one too. Another thing, I got with a former colleague this ZIP table, and all ids are already interconnected.

  • Partner, I got it with the sorack query. But yours helped me a lot to intender before seeing his. Thank you very much!

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