Selected language error


Viewed 57 times


I copied a source code made in the program Code Blocks and pasted it in a project in Visual Studio C 2010 Express, compiled and is giving some errors, one of the errors is in this line:

int main(){

// Altera a linguagem do console para permitir acentos
setlocale(LC_ALL, "Portuguese"); //Erro

error:Error 2 error C3861: 'setlocale': identifier not found

2 answers


I put this statement and the error is gone.

#include <clocale>


  • 2

    Yes. setlocale is a native C function present in the library locale. You will need to do the include of the same, as you put in this reply.


As cited by the user, the problem can be solved with include de clocale:

#include <clocale>

  • 1

    Then I added this line in the header and the error disappeared: #include <clocale> this is good practice?

  • I added this line that you gave in response and removed the #include <clocale> and the error appeared again, I believe it is lack of the include.

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