
Viewed 488 times


I have a problem... I put my web api in Ocaweb... But if I use the link in the project, it does not work and returns me "Statuscode: 500, Reasonphrase: 'Internal Server Error', Version: 1.1, Content: System.Net.Http.Streamcontent" . I thought the problem was with them and decided to host on Zure, but I get the same error in the application execution. Now, when I upload my web api to my local IIS server and use the link in the project, I can use the web api in my application without any problems. Would anyone know to help me?

Follows my code: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • 2

    Post text, not code images.

  • Relax, the link I posted was just a test, of course I will not post the real link I will use in the application

  • What? I’m telling you to paste the code in the post instead of images

  • I understood, it is that I did not understand the reason of the text and not of the image, but it became clear now.

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