about login form with Session (user disabled) treatment


Viewed 68 times


Hello, good afternoon ,I would like to know how to do the login system not let log in the administrator who is not enabled (level==5) I’ve tried everything , and code I’m moving is very mixed , I wanted to do the same thing when one writes wrong password ,but with a different warning and out of session

if ($_SESSION ['s_logado']) {
	if (isset ( $_GET ['LOAD'] ) && $_GET ['LOAD'] == 'ADMIN') {
		$marca = "ADMIN";
	} else
		$PARAM = "";
	print "<tr>";
	print "<td style=\"width:100%;\" id='centro2'><iframe class='frm_centro' src='" . $sisPath . "" . $sistem . "'  name='centro' align='center' width='100%' height='77%' frameborder='0' STYLE='{border-bottom: thin solid #999999;}'></iframe></td>";
	print "</tr>";
} else {

	echo '<div class="container">';	
	// Formulário de Login

	<form name='logar' method='post' action='<?php print"".$commonPath."login.php?".session_id ()."";?>' onSubmit=\"return valida()\">
	<div class='container_12 info'>
		<div class='grid_8'> <!-- Inicio da Nova DIV -->
			<h1>Central de Chamados <?php echo NOME_CENTRAL_ATENDIMENTO; ?></h1>
			<br><h3 align='left'>Informações</h3>
			<div class='menu'>
				<ul style="padding-top: 5px !important; padding-bottom:5px !important">
					<li align='left'><p>Sistema para auxiliar no gerenciamento de chamados do CTIC. <p>Para ter acesso ao sistema, você precisa de um usuário <p>cadastrado no SIG (<a href='http://sipac.***.edu.br' target='_blank'>acesso ao SIG</a>) </p></li>
					<li><p>A ** nunca pede confirmação de seus dados e senhas<p> via email.</p></li>
					<li><p>A senha de acesso é pessoal e intransferível.</p></li>
			<h3 style="padding-bottom:10px">Seu IP é: <?php echo str_replace(":",".",$ip); ?></h3>
			<h3 align='left'>Dúvidas</h3>
			<p>Entre em contato através dos nossos canais de atendimento.</p>
			<table style="vertical-align: center">
			<tr><td><img src="includes/imgs/email.jpg" width="20px" height="20px"></td><td><a href="mailto:<?php echo EMAIL_CENTRAL_ATENDIMENTO; ?>"><?php echo EMAIL_CENTRAL_ATENDIMENTO; ?></a></td></tr>
			<tr><td><img src="includes/imgs/telefone.jpg" width="20px" height="20px"></td><td><?php echo TELEFONE_CENTRAL_ATENDIMENTO; ?></td></tr>
<!-- 			<tr><td><img src="includes/imgs/spark.png" width="20px" height="20px"></td><td>Atendimento CTIC (Spark)</td></tr> -->
			<tr><td><a href="https://ctic.**.edu.br" target="_blank"><img src="includes/imgs/site.png" width="20px" height="20px"></a></td><td><a href="<?php echo SITE_CENTRAL_ATENDIMENTO; ?>" target="_blank">Portal</a></td></tr>
			<tr><td><a href="https://wiki.***.edu.br" target="_blank"><img src="includes/imgs/wiki-icon.png" width="20px" height="20px"></a></td><td><a href="https://wiki.***.edu.br" target="_blank">WIKI Unifesspa</a></td></tr>
		<div class='grid_4' > <!-- Início Form de Login -->
				if (isset ( $_GET ['inv'] )) {
					if ($_GET ['inv'] == "1") {
					$aviso =TRANS ( 'ERR_LOGON' ) ;
						print "<div style='margin:0 auto; width:240px; padding:10px;'><center><label ><br><font color='red'>" . $aviso . "</font></label></center></div>";
				if (isset ( $_GET ['usu'] )) {
					$typedUser = $_GET ['usu'];
				} else {
					$typedUser = "";
			<div style='margin:0 auto;margin-right:15px; width:180px; padding:10px;'>
				<img src = 'helpdesk.png'>
			<h2 align='center'>Área de acesso</h2>
			<div style='margin:0 auto; width:180px; padding:0px;'>
    			<div style='height:-3px;font-size:16px;font-weight:bold;color:#ccc;margin-top:5px;'></div>
       			<div style='height:-3px;'>
					<label  id='label_user' class='input_login' for='idLogin' style='display:block;'></label>
					<input class='input_l2' type='text' name='login' value='<?php print $typedUser ?>' id='idLogin' placeholder='Usuario' tabindex='1' onkeydown=\"Hide('label_user','idLogin');\" onblur=\"Show('label_user','idLogin');\">
					<label  id='label_pass' class='input_login' for='idSenha' style='display:block;'></label>
					<input class='input_l2' type='password' name='password' id='idSenha' placeholder='Senha' tabindex='2' onkeydown=\"Hide('label_pass','idSenha');\" onblur=\"Show('label_pass','idSenha')>
				<div style='height:30px; margin-top:5px; text-align:center' >
					<input type='submit' style='float:center' class='blogin' value='<?php print TRANS ( 'cx_login' ) ?>' tabindex='3'>
				<div style="text-align: center; font-size:1.4em; line-height:1.7em">
				<a href="https://sigadmin.***.edu.br/admin/public/recuperar_login.jsf" target="_blank">Esqueci meu login</a><br>
				<a href="https://sigadmin.***.edu.br/admin/public/recuperar_senha.jsf" target="_blank">Esqueci minha senha</a><br>
				<a href="https://wiki.**.edu.br/index.php/Categoria:Abertura_de_Ocorr%C3%AAncias" target="_blank">Primeiro Acesso</a>
		<a href="https://wiki.*****.edu.br" target="_blank">
		<div class='grid_4' style="margin-top:10px; text-align: center;">
		<tr><td style="padding-left:25px; line-height:1.4em !important;"><b>Antes de abrir um chamado, verifique se a solução do seu problema está na</b></td>
		<td rowspan="2"><img src="includes/imgs/wiki-unifesspa.jpg" width="100" height="100"></td></tr>
	<?php }?>

what I put inside the parole for him to bring the form again ,undressed and with another warning ??

f (($_SESSION ['s_ocomon'] == 1) && ! isIn ( $_SESSION ['s_area'], $rowconf ['conf_ownarea_2'] )) {
		if ($_SESSION['s_nivel']==5){



  • NOTE: the first code is the excerpt that works , it handles the login for password and correct users

  • If I understand correctly, you can redirect it to the login screen with the header('location')....

  • 1

    I answered something very similar to your question these days https://answall.com/questions/207034/blockr-p%C3%A1ginas-via-url/207063#207063 would be that?

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