error in the sublime


Viewed 148 times


Yesterday I wore the sublime normally, but today when I execultei presented the following error

erro sublime

Can you help me ?

  • try removing the monokai theme from its sublime or check for update.

  • how to check new updates or remove the theme ?

  • you can open the sublime and access the package control even with this error?

  • I can access package control

  • Click on the menu at the top "Preferences", then go to "Settings". On the right side will view your personal settings, look for the line "color_scheme" and remove, save and see if it resolves.

  • I managed to find the line, but the files I can’t edit, delete, I can’t even make a change.

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1 answer


normally removes the theme:

Ctrl + shift + p > "Package Control: Remove Package"

looks for "Colorhighlighter". Then install it again

  • I uninstalled Color Highlighter but still error

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