Warnings when compiling the program


Viewed 763 times


In the code below, I need to create a structure for Point (Coordinate x and y) and create a function that creates these points using pointers. The structure was made as follows:

typedef struct //Estrutura definida para os pontos.
    double x; //Coordenadas X e Y.
    double y;
} Ponto;

Then I created the function to create these dots and another function to print those same dots:

void CriaPonto(Ponto *p, double x, double y) //Função que cria n pontos.
    p->x = x;
    p->y = y;
    int i, nponto;
    printf("Digite a quantidade de pontos que se quer (Maximo 100): ");
    scanf("%d", &nponto);
    if(nponto < 1 || nponto > 100)
        printf("Quantidade de pontos invalida.");
        printf("Digite as coordenadas X e Y:\n");
        for(i = 0; i < nponto; i++)
            scanf("%lf", &p[i].x);
            scanf("%lf", &p[i].y);

void ImprimePonto(Ponto P[])
    int i, nponto;
    for(i = 0; i < nponto; i++)
            printf("Ponto %d: (%.0lf,%.0lf)\n", i+1, P[i].x, P[i].y);

In the main (main) function of the program I did as follows:

int main()
    Ponto Ponto[MAX];

    int x, y;

    CriaPonto(Ponto, x, y);
    return 0;

When compiling I get 3 warnings.

In function 'ImprimePonto'
'nponto' is used uninitialized in this function [-Wuninitialized]|
In function 'main':
'y' is used uninitialized in this function [-Wuninitialized]|
'x' is used uninitialized in this function [-Wuninitialized]|

The questions I have are: The way I created the function is correct? What is necessary to remove these 3 warnings when compiling?

1 answer


First in your main you created the variables x and y, but did not initiate any value in them.

And in function ImprimePonto the same thing with the variable nponto.


int main(){
    int x=1,y=3;


void ImprimePonto(Ponto P[]){
    int i, nponto=0;

When you do not start a value on the variables, they may contain garbage, so when they are passed as values, the results do not appear as expected.

  • Putting an initial value for them, like 0, does not influence the operation of the program so?

  • 1

    @Renan, not putting an initial value causes it to possibly start with random values/memory junk

  • as you are using static values, it is best that you start the values corresponding to the ones you will use

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