What is the difference between Javajdk and Openjdk?


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I have been researching and from what I have seen both are kept Oracle skin... But if java is also open source, what is the need of Openjdk? Or I’m wrong about Java if open source?

1 answer


Nothing crucial. The openjdk project is mainly based on the hotspot source code donated by Sun.

In addition, openjdk was selected to be the implementation of reference for java 7, and is maintained by Oracle engineers.

There is a more detailed answer to your question here (in English), which links to this blog post:

Q: What is the difference between the source code found in the Openjdk repository and the code you use to build the Oracle JDK?

A: It is very close - our compilation process for Oracle JDK versions is based on Openjdk 7, adding only a couple of parts, such as the deployment code, which includes the implementation of Oracle Plugin Java and Java Webstart, as well as some third source closed as a graphics raster, some third party open source components such as Rhino, and some pieces here and there such as additional documentation or third party sources. Moving forward, we intend to open all Oracle JDK sources except those we consider commercial features like Jrockit Mission Control (not yet available on Oracle JDK) and replace blocked third party components with open source alternatives to achieve a closer parity between code bases.

Translated from: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22358071/differences-between-oracle-jdk-and-open-jdk-and-garbage-collection

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