What is the shortcut in Netbeans to close all "+" functions?


Viewed 264 times


I remember having this function in Netbeans. It’s a shortcut that closes all (+) functions or divs.

2 answers


Much of the shortcuts can be obtained in PDF created by the community. But you don’t have what you need. You have a older version wiki page with all shortcuts. It must not have changed much. Specifically what you want for PC/Mac:

Action PC Mac
Collapse (Hide) a block Ctrl + Minus Cmd + Minus
Collapse (Hide) a block Ctrl + Numpad Minus
Collapse (Hide) all code Blocks Ctrl-Shift-Numpad Minus Cmd + Shift + Minus
Expand the Collapsed Block (expand-fold) Ctrl + Plus Cmd + Plus
Expand the Collapsed Block (expand-fold) Ctrl + Numpad Plus
Expand the Collapsed Block (expand-fold) Ctrl + Equals Cmd + Equals
Expand all code Blocks (expand all-folds) Ctrl-Shift-Numpad Plus
Expand all code Blocks (expand all-folds) Ctrl-Shift-Plus Cmd + Shift + Plus
Expand all code Blocks (expand all-folds) Ctrl-Shift-Equals Cmd + Shift + Equals


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