Pass Jquery variable to PHP


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I’m with this script that brings user geolocation:

(function() {

if(!!navigator.geolocation) {

	var map;

	var mapOptions = {

	map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('google_canvas'), mapOptions);

		var geolocate = new google.maps.LatLng(position.coords.latitude, position.coords.longitude);
		var php_latitude = position.coords.latitude;
		var php_longitude = position.coords.longitude;
} else {
	document.getElementById('google_canvas').innerHTML = 'No Geolocation Support.';

<script src="//"></script>

I need to pass latitude and longitude values to variables in PHP.

I tried to make:

  $variavelphp = "<script>document.write(php_latitude)</script>";
  echo "Olá $variavelphp";

But it didn’t work.

You can pass Jquery values to PHP?

1 answer


You need to send via Ajax (Javascript call). Understand that when running javascript in the browser you are "disconnected" from the server.

Therefore, you will need a server-side PHP script to receive and handle the coordinates.

To do this with jQuery, an example would be, after picking up the coordinates:

   method: "POST",
   url: "caminho-para-script.php",
   data: { lat: php_latitude, long: php_longitude }
  .done(function( msg ) {
       // resposta do servidor
       alert( msg );

And a possible PHP script

    $lat  = $_POST['lat'];
    $long = $_POST['long'];

    // comandos para salvar os dados

    // exemplo de resposta
    echo "Latitude " . $lat . " e Longitude " . $long . " recebidas.";

Note that it is a simple example that demonstrates the conversation (data exchange) between client (browser) and server (your code in PHP).

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