NF-e in Delphi accessing WSDL.
I am not experienced in accessing WSDL servers, nor Nfe.
I have available some encapsulated methods informed to be used in Delphi.
The method I’m trying to access is this:
function RecepcionarLoteRpsSincrono(const nfseCabecMsg: WideString; const nfseDadosMsg: WideString): WideString; stdcall;
The examples I have are complete XML files, only I have to use the provided functions, in this case pass two parameters. I don’t know how to use it. I need to know exactly what to write in these parameters. I have example of an XML file but what I need are two parameters for a function, I know that the first is the header and the second are the Data.
I already copied the XML for the parameters, part of them, referring to the header I did what was within my reach.
I’ll make the call:
Cabeca, Dados,
Retorno : WideString;
// ... outros códigos
Cabeca := memCabeca.Text;//TMemo
Dados := memDados.Text;//TMemo
Retorno := nfseuse.RecepcionarLoteRpsSincrono(Cabeca, Dados);
I don’t know what the correct parameters are WideString
that I must pass on to nfseCabecMsg
and nfseDadosMsg
This is the error message produced by ShowMesssage
Below part image of the XML set an example:
I hope I’ve been clear, and passed my doubt correctly.
Thank you.