Get all the information from a <tr>


Viewed 91 times


Good morning.

Within a tag <tr> there are about 15 tags <td> (information coming from the database) is not all being displayed. Each <tr> owned a <td> with the option to click and a modal open with all the necessary information.

How do I get all the information that is present in <td> of each <tr> specifies?

<?php $professoresListados = buscarProfessor($conexao);

    foreach($professoresListados as $professor)
        echo "
                <td class='infoPhp' id='{$professor['idProfessor']}'>{$professor['idProfessor']}</td>
                <td><img src='../../../Accipiter/Imagens/Professor/noimage.jpg' class='imgTabela'></td>
                <td class='non759'>{$professor['emailProfessor']}</td>
                <td class='non759'>{$professor['cpfProfessor']}</td>
                <td style='cursor: pointer;' id='{$professor['idProfessor']}' class='atribSession' onclick='capturarId('><i class='fa fa-sign-in' aria-hidden='true'></i></td>

As <td class='non759'> are not displayed to the user. But by clicking on <td> a modal view opens and all the information is found there. How to get all the data from within the <tr> ?

  • Hello, you could add that part of the code, it would help ?

  • See if it gives an improved understanding :)

  • 1

    $("tr"). each(Function(){ console.log($(this). Children("td"). text());});

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