Scrollbar Gridview


Viewed 191 times


I have some Gridview in my project, but some have many columns and all are necessary, I would like to put a horizontal scrollbar on the grid, but besides the scrollbar, I would like to put an arrow, to navigate the columns, making it easier for the user to view the information, besides being aesthetically well presented. But I don’t know how to do it, someone knows the name of this property, and how can I do it ? inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • 1

    To place the scrollbar you can put the GridView within a div with the properties width and overflow, thus: <div style="overflow-x:auto;width:1000px"><GridView></div>

  • Already the arrows, you will need to use elements (images for example) with position absolute to be positioned where you want them to appear. Then, when you click on the elements, you need to change, in javascript, the property scrollLeft of div

  • The Scrollbar worked, I need to know how to place the arrows and navigate the Gridview.

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