Assign a variable a Dynamic Date?


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My goal is to create a SQL Server, which has by default two variables, one with the initial date of (hoje - 3 anos) and a final date equal to hoje. I already use for other operations (for example a between) this format to catch the date.

I tried to do it this way:

    Create procedure EXTRAÇÃO_SD1_SD2
-- Receber data formato 'AAAMMDD'
    @dataini VARCHAR(MAX) = REPLACE(CONVERT(char(10), GetDate()-1080,126),'-','')
    @datafim as varchar(10) = REPLACE(CONVERT(char(10), GetDate(),126),'-','')
-- continua procedure

But I get the error below when running

Msg 102, Level 15, Status 1, Procedure EXTRAIO_SD1_SD2, Line 5 [Batch Start Line 0] Incorrect syntax near '('.

What’s wrong with it?

1 answer


You used the wrong part of Procedure to make your assignments. Before the begin is the declaration of the identity of the Procedure, and inside, the body.
In the identity part you can define the input parameters, this if you want to use a reference date informed by the user, discarding for example the fixed use of GetDate.

See how this your code could look like so that if some value is passed, it will be used, otherwise the GetDate will be invoked:
Also note that it was not necessary to remove the '-' to perform the subtraction.

Create procedure EXTRAÇÃO_SD1_SD2 (@dataini varchar(10) = null, @datafim varchar(10) = null)
    --Para indicar a procedure que o usuário está passando datas no formato YYYYMMDD
    --Se não garantir isso, e estiver configurado como dmy vai dar erro na sua procedure
    set dateformat 'ymd'

    declare @dataI varchar(10) = convert(date, dateadd(year, -3, coalesce(@dataini, GetDate())))
    declare @dataF varchar(10) = convert(date, coalesce(@datafim, GETDATE()))


As a complement, I made use of other functions:

Set DateFormat -> It is necessary because if the server is with another graduate, the months can be exchanged for the days for example;

DateAdd -> Used to subtract 3 years;

Coalesce -> If no value is passed to the parameters, then it will fetch a Getdate value;

  • Thanks for the answer, I did it that way because as I said I would like those variables to have a default value when no parameter existed in the Procedure call. I followed the example given on this site ( I will take a test with your example

  • Simple value assignments are allowed, what you cannot do is use functions where variables are declared.

  • Okay, in this case I understand you have no solution to the submitted case right? That is if I change the way you specified the variables '@dataini' and '@datafim' will always have the value : REPLACE(CONVERT(char(10), Getdate()-1080,126),'-','') and REPLACE(CONVERT(char(10), Getdate(),126),'-',') respectively, correct @Ismael ?

  • 1

    That’s right Bruno. I will update the response and include the parameters and allow a dynamic value to these variables.

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