Create an executable


Viewed 19,039 times


Good morning, I made an application in C# recently but it’s still only in code form and I needed to create an executable ! But I’ve never done it, I don’t know how. Can anyone help ? Thank you !

  • 1

    You mean compile from the command line? Something like csc.exe nomedoarquivo.cs

  • To be honest I don’t know, I’m not sure. I created this application on stage and now asked me to create and an executable of my application to test

  • 2

    Well, to get effective help, it’s important that the community understands and can reproduce its problem. It’s the best way to get an answer that helps you. Compile a file .cs per command line is different from building a project in Visual Studio for example. I would build an example representing what you are trying to do and edit the question. The more relevant details the better. Take a look at How to create a Minimum, Complete and Verifiable example.

  • It’s as simple as: I have my project in visual studio 2015, a code written in C# and want to create an executable for it. Just this

  • 3

    If so, just click "Compile Solution" in the Visual Studio menu. Read the MSDN documentation: Creating and cleaning projects and solutions in Visual Studio. If you selected the correct type of project an executable will be created.

2 answers


Click build -> Publish

A screen will appear for you to configure how the installation will be done on the client’s PC, configure it in the way that suits you and publish it. A Setup, a Manifest and a folder named Application files will be created where you configured the output. On the client’s PC you just run the installation way you set up and your program will be installed automatically.

If you only need the executable, you can also get it in the visualStudio20XX -> Projects -> -> -> bin -> release folder, but when running it it will not be installed


Compile your project in visual studio:


Executable will be generated in folder:

[Folder of your project] bin Debug

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