Unknown error in Gulp


Viewed 31 times


I added the file mixins.sass to my project and when I went to look at the terminal, presented the following error:

Events.js:160 er; // Unhandled 'error' Event
Error: Sass Molecules mixins.Sass
Error: no mixin named css3-prefix
on line 69 of Sass/Molecules/mixins.Sass
@include css3-prefix('column-gap', $gap);

at options.error (C: Users shop Desktop Alacarte node_modules Node-Sass lib index.js:291:26)`

I have no idea what it is now every time I give the command gulp this one shows up log, I already checked the specified file and found nothing wrong.

  • the error points to line 69 of the file, is probably trying to run include but cannot find it. Take a look at this.

  • Linha 67 =columns($count: 3, $gap: 10) 
 Linha 68 @include css3-prefix('column-count', $count)
 Linha 69 @include css3-prefix('column-gap', $gap) that the line he is showing, there is no error

  • Error: no mixin named css3-prefix there is no mixin with the name css3-prefix. Make sure there is no typo.

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