My bootstrap logo is too big and the rest of the menus have a large empty space


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Can anyone help me fix this? I’ve used CSS, but I still can’t get the menus to be "glued" to the image.

My HTML is as follows, and below will be the css

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • 4

    Comsidere add your code to the question.

1 answer


We need your code to be sure. I believe your links are calling the class

nav navbar-nav navbar-right

Just remove the navbar-right class and the content will come to the side of the logo right away.

  • No, by chance my Nav bar is like this (class="Nav navbar-Nav")

  • So we really need to see your code. It may be that your logo is pushing the content as well, but I doubt it. Post HTML and any additional CSS.

  • It appears that the logo has the dimension of all that space, that is, the css is recognizing as if the "empty" part that is between the logo and the dropdown menus is part of the logo, and that it is pushing the menus.

  • 1

    Without your code you can’t have any idea what’s going on.

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