Take the value of a listed <td> (JSP)


Viewed 244 times


Eae guys.

I’m making a system for the college, I wonder if you forum could solve a problem that I’m going through.

My sell screen needs to take the unit price value that is on a chart. The user can put the service he wants that is in a box, by clicking on the service need to automatically pull the unit price. What lists my box is a c:foreach.

<section id="principal">
    <form name="formVendas" method="get" action= "" method="get">
        <p><label>Nome do serviço:<select id="camposervico" class="tempNome" name="servico">
                    <c:forEach var="servico" items="${dao.listar()}">
                        <option name="${servico.nomeServico}">${servico.nomeServico}</option>
            <label>Quantidade:<input type="text" class="tempQuantidade" name="quantidade"></label>
            <label>Preço Unitário:<input type="text" class="tempPrecoUnitario" name="precounitario" ></label>
            <label>Valor total:<input type="text" class="tempInsert"  value="" name="valortotal"></label>
            <button type="button" id="tempBtn" onclick="calcularTotal()">Adicionar</button>

        <table width="100%">
                    <th>Preço Unitário</th>
                    <th>Valor Total</th>

<script src="./resources/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> 

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • Want to take the value when the user puts in the input or when he already clicks on add and appears in the table below?

  • when it chooses in select the service pull the unit price of the service it chose and put in the input

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