php shows no error messages


Viewed 461 times


Good morning. At the beginning of my php page I put:


After these directives, I gave a phpinfo(). display_errors and display_startup_errors are marked as On in the Local Value column. It turns out that the error messages are not shown at all. I took the period-and-comma at the end of a line and the page is blank, not showing the error message that would help me locate the problem.

I tried changing from php5.6 to php 7 but it didn’t help either. I’m running this page hosted at Locaweb.

Can someone give me a hand, please? Thank you very much

1 answer


Instead of trying to display errors on the page, considering that it is a hosting, the most recommended is to direct errors to a file and even custom messages as below:

ini_set("log_errors", 1);
ini_set("error_log", "/caminho/onde/guardar/php-error.log");
error_log( "POST: " . print_r($_POST, true) );

So you don’t run the risk of leaving debugging data on the page by accident.

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