What are the main differences between Kotlin and Java?


Viewed 3,085 times


I have long been aware of the existence of the Kotlin language. I know that you need JVM to run and that it is completely interoperable with Java.

At the time I did not give her much attention but now with the possibility of Android Studio will give you native support my interest in her has grown.

So, what are the main differences between them? What can Kotlin offer/solve/improve in relation to Java?

  • I know Docs are bad and tals, but the most I could do is translate, but I don’t guarantee the translation, so I’ll just post the link https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/comparison-to-java.html

  • 1

    This post addresses some of the aspects in relation to what "Kotlin can offer/solve/improve in relation to Java"

  • 1

    The answers seem to be getting outdated, right? Java started having some things and there are some that will have a brief.

2 answers


Main differences:

  • In Kotlin function sane first-class citizens, that is, the language allows to manipulate functions with the main, if not all, operations available to other entities: passage of arguments, return of functions, modifications, assignment of variables, etc... This allows us to use some concepts of functional programming such as: pure functions, functions without side effects; high-order functions, which take functions as parameter, as return, or as both; immutability, where internal states remain unchanged, including the collections of language.

Example 1:

fun callAction(action: (String) -> Unit) = action("Hello world!")
fun printMessage() = callAction { text -> println(text) }

Example 2:

// Ou utilizando a referência do método
fun callAction(action: (String) -> Unit) = action("Hello world!")
fun printMessage() = callAction(::println)


infix fun Int.plus(text: String): Int = this + text.toInt()

println(1 plus "2")

// é o mesmo que
  • Kotlin supports extension functions, that give us the ability to extend a class with a new functionality without having to inherit from it, or use any kind of project pattern like Decorator.


import java.math.BigDecimal
fun Int.toBigDecimal() = BigDecimal(this)
  • Kotlin supports operator overload, which allows us to provide implementations for a predefined set of operators in our types. Full list of operators can be found here.


data class Money(var value: Int)

operator fun Money.plusAssign(value: Money) {
    this.value += value.value

val money = Money(10)
money += Money(20)

println(money.value) // 30


data class User(val name: String, val age: Int)

val jane = User("Jane", 35) 
val (name, age) = jane // destructuring declaration
println("$name, $age years of age") // prints "Jane, 35 years of age"
  • Kotlin owns Sealed-classes, which are used to represent hierarchies of restricted classes, when a value may have one of the types of a limited set, but may not have any other type. They are, in a sense, an extension of enumerated classes: the set of values for an Enum type is also restricted, but each constantEnum exists only as a single instance, while a subclass of a sealed class may have multiple instances that may contain state.


sealed class Expression {
    data class Const(val number: Double) : Expression()
    data class Sum(val e1: Expression, val e2: Expression) : Expression()
    object NotANumber : Expression()

fun eval(expr: Expression): Double = when (expr) {
    is Expression.Const -> expr.number
    is Expression.Sum -> eval(expr.e1) + eval(expr.e2)
    Expression.NotANumber -> Double.NaN


val x: String  = ""
val y : String?  = null

println(x.length) // 0
println(y?.length) // null

y?.let(::println) // println não é chamado porque y é nulo


  • In summary, Kotlin allows us to implement concepts from the Object-Oriented Programming paradigm as well as Functional Programming, allowing us to extract the best of both worlds, with a concise and yet incredibly powerful language.
  • Being a little pragmatic, everything you do with Kotlin can be done with Java, in terms of features, but I believe that Kotlin becomes better in terms of practicality, simplicity and productivity.
  • For those interested in learning the language, there is Kotlin Koans where are passed some challenges and you have to do them.
  • Language documentation site: kotlinlang.org
  • Language specification document: kotlinlang.org/Docs/Kotlin-Docs.pdf

In addition to the points cited, there are several other concepts that are interesting, but that I did not put here not to extend me more.

  • 7

    This answer is amazing. Congratulations!


Basically Kotlin brings several features compared to java, according to the official website it is more concise, reducing the code by up to 40% compared to java, Kotlin has a functional language paradigm, supports the passage of functions as parameters of methods, native lambda, among others. according also to the site is a more secure language, has the non-avoidable types present in other languages such as Swift, which avoids the exceptions we have at runtime in java when using null references.

is a new language that brings a new breath to Android developers who have been using java for so long, the community is excited about the work of Jetbrains, for the java programmers it is very short learning curve. this is basically the summary about Kotlin, you can find more information on the official website.


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