I have a table that comes out in PDF on Jasper Reports and I need a boolean expression to print an image only in the last row of the table. Someone can help me?
I have a table that comes out in PDF on Jasper Reports and I need a boolean expression to print an image only in the last row of the table. Someone can help me?
I was able to find the solution to this problem with the use of the internal variable of Jasper:
It works like a line counter from the detail range of your table, so I just use it on image and add it to the lines you need.
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Why don’t you put this image in the report summary?
– Reginaldo Rigo
this report has no summary, and when I say image, it is not the same, it can be an up arrow and an down arrow (profit indicator per group)
– sergioBertolazzo
Put a summary and choose the image through any logic.
– Reginaldo Rigo
I was able to find the solution to this problem with the use of the Jasper internal variable: $V{REPORT_COUNT}. intValue()
– sergioBertolazzo
Thanks for the help @Reginaldorigo
– sergioBertolazzo