How to make the cycle in Lisp?


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I’m learning lisp at university recently and I’m having some problems adapting to this language.
The cycle let in this language works like a for in java? If yes can show me an example that gives to understand more or less how it works?

1 answer


This link contains a large amount of information about this language. Including an explanation of interactions, in section 2.19 you can see how to create a loop which would be equivalent to for java.


Printing 10 to 20 Numbers.

(loop for a from 10 to 20
    do (print a)

The above code is equivalent to the following java code:

for(int i = 10; i <= 20; i++){
  • Responses containing only links are discouraged, because if the link breaks one day, the answer will lose meaning. I suggest putting an example of code here.

  • @Renan, Thanks for the tip. I will edit my reply by putting an example.

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