Find a numeric group in the string


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Hello, I would like a help to locate a group of 20 numbers within a string that has characters and symbols. Let’s say my string has 165 characters, I want the numbers from 127 to 147 that are my group "00001138271467122784", but the size of the string on the other lines is varied, my number can start before or after, the order of beginning and end is not fixed. I have '_' to be able to delimit, but how? SQL Server Management Studio

  • This example, "00001138271467122784", has neither 127 nor 147 as sequences. More examples?

  • 1

    Not that Gypsy, the string size is 165 characters, my example is at initial position 127 and final position 147, but only in this example, in another line the position (location) changes. I want to take the whole set 00001138271467122784 which is always 20 characters. This is the string file%3A%2F%2F%2Fmnt%2FABOX%2FRESULTS%2Fresults%2Fresults%2Ftxt%2F20160628105952000_083021988480019_38505_4524425_170_2239408_>>>>000011371467122784<<<<_41_53_ATENDENTE.txt

  • Got it. Thanks for clarifying ;)

1 answer


Here is demonstration of the use of the function charindex to find the section you are looking for.

 -- código #1
declare @URL varchar(2000);
set @URL= 'file%3A%2F%2F%2Fmnt%2FABOX%2FRESULTS%2Fresults%2Fresults%2Ft‌​xt%2F201606281059520‌​00_083021988480019_3‌​8505_4524425_170_223‌​9408_>>>000011382714‌​67122784<<<<_41_53_A‌​TENDENTE.txt';

PRINT charindex('00001138271467122784', @URL);

The code to search in the rows of a table can be something like:

-- código #2
declare @Txt char(20);
set @Txt= '00001138271467122784';

       [Posição]= charindex(@Txt, URL)
  from tabela;


I have just discovered a pattern the sets I want are between the sixth '_' and the antepenultimate '_' (9 of the count) always so, so I need something to take their position, the sixth and the ninth '_' and between them is the field I want.

Considering the additional explanations about the "_" separator, one can create a specific function to obtain the content between the sixth and ninth "_".

-- código #4 v3
CREATE FUNCTION analisaURL (@pURL varchar(2000))
       returns @pToken varchar(200) as
declare @I int, @Pos6 int, @Pos9 int;

-- obtém sexto "_"
set @Pos6= 0;
set @I= 0;
while @I <> 6
  set @Pos6= charindex('_', @pURL, (@Pos6 +1));
  set @I += 1;

-- obtém nono "_"
set @Pos9= @Pos6;
while @I <> 9
  set @Pos9= charindex('_', @pURL, (@Pos9 +1));
  set @I += 1;

return substring(@pURL, (@Pos6 +1), (@Pos9 - @Pos6 -1));

Carefully evaluate the function code as it has not been tested. It is recommended to add error handling to the function.

The use of the function is thus:

-- código #5
SELECT T.URL, dbo.analisaURL(T.URL) as Token
  from tabela as T;

Another option is to use type function split string to split the URL into parts and then select only the seventh part of each URL.

-- código #3 v2
with cteSplitURL as (
SELECT T.URL, S.ItemNumber as seq, S.Item as token
  from tabela as T
       outer apply dbo.SplitURL(T.URL, '_') as S
  from cteSplitURL
  where seq = 7;

Code #3 is the outline of the code; you must add function of type split string returning tokens and the sequence of it in the string.

Articles containing functions split string:

  • Hello @José Diz, thank you for the help but in this case that you have, I will always end up finding the same number '00001138271467122784' I would like to search the string the same set, I say always catch a string of 20 numbers grouped. no matter if you have (position 0)00123456....(position 20) I always want to locate a certain group understand? those numbers are the only ones to have 20 numeric characters in sequence.

  • I just figured out a pattern the sets I want are between the sixth '' and the antepenultimate '' (9 of the count) always so, then I need something to take their position, the sixth and the ninth '_' and between them is the field I want.

  • @Kalebgabriel: When possible, evaluate code #5.

  • I will study the code you gave me, this is a select to target the bank information for qlikview. I will analyze it well, but I was told that I could make with charindex pick up the position and then use substring, but I can’t calculate in substring.

  • I have lines F: CHARINDEX('', Uri, CHARINDEX('', Uri,CHARINDEX('', Uri,CHARINDEX('', Uri, CHARINDEX('', Uri, CHARINDEX('', Uri, 1) + 1) + 1) + 1) + 1) AS f E line G: CHARINDEX('', Uri, CHARINDEX('', Uri,CHARINDEX('', Uri,CHARINDEX('', Uri, CHARINDEX('', Uri, CHARINDEX('', Uri, CHARINDEX('_', Uri, 1) + 1) + 1) + 1) + 1) + 1) + 1) AS g

  • @Kalebgabriel: I see this charindex sequence as a complication. Are you familiar with the KISS principle? If not, go to //

  • One question, is it possible to use the nickname of a column within a function? for example I used charindex to pick up the positions, my charindex of nickname F and G are respectively the initial and final positions, can I use in substring? Substring(Uri, F, G)? did not work did not recognize

  • @Kalebgabriel: The trick, in this case, is to use CTE: with cteX as (code of consultation) SELECT substring(URI, F, (G - F -1)) from cteX; // Or sub-consumption: SELECT substring(URI, F, (G - F -1)) from (code of consultation) as T; // I think this is it.

  • Thank you very much. the/

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