When saving a file by Atom, it always records the accents in UTF-8.
Even though the file being identified as ISO-8859-1 (there at the bottom).
So I did the following test at the terminal:
Before opening the file:
file -I arquivo.php
arquivo.php: text/x-php; charset=iso-8859-1
Correct Texts: You do not have permission.
After opening the file and saving:
file -I arquivo.php
arquivo.php: text/x-php; charset=iso-8859-1
Wrong texts: You do not have the permission.
I need to install something to fix?
Rafael we are almost there. I checked and the supported type is latin1. But still . editorconfig (at the root of the project) is not taking effect. Thank you very much.
– Claytinho
Download the plugin?
apm install editorconfig
closed Atom, opened the file again?– Rafael Nery
I did the steps right, I went to Install, I installed editorconfig, I restarted Atom and still nothing.
– Claytinho