Swift 3 - How to close an open webview page?


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in a, index.html viewcontroller am using this code to open a local html file

self.webView = WKWebView(frame: webFrame, configuration: config) self.webView?.uiDelegate = self as? WKUIDelegate self.webView?.navigationDelegate = self self.webView?.scrollView.bounces = false self.container!.addSubview(webView!) let testUrl: URL! = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "index", withExtension: "html", subdirectory: "assets") self.webView!.loadFileURL(testUrl, allowingReadAccessTo: testUrl)

debugging by safari in the Developer > Simulator menu appears the open page (index.html) It happens that every time I leave this viewControler and return is added in the menu Developer > Simulator a new page (index.html, index.html,...). I believe that are new page open in new tabs

in the function I use to exit this viewController use this code

self.webView?.removeFromSuperview() self.container.removeFromSuperview()

objects are removed but pages are not, does anyone know how to remove them?

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