I made a Wordpress theme with some meta boxes in the custom post type, but I needed to use some plugins in these meta boxes, but they only work in the main box right there in the post.
How do I give the main post features to the meta boxes? Is there possibility?
Thank you!
What I need, to make a Nextgen gallery work in my meta box.
What features of the main post?
– brasofilo
Being able to use the plugins, being able to use those buttons you have up there, like text formatter, those things... In case you wanted to clone the box of the same post. Several times. There is possibility?
– Alceu
Can you add a couple of screenshots? So, verbally, I don’t know exactly what you’re talking about...
– brasofilo
Also check if your CPT parameters are missing some functionality you need. Type
'supports' => array( 'title', 'thumbnail', 'page-attributes')
https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/register_post_type/#Parameters– brasofilo
I tested all attributes of 'Supports' but it still didn’t work... I put up a print there to illustrate better.
– Alceu
Wow... mega-Advanced... when I can check out this technique, it’s news to me
– brasofilo
Path of stones: Solution to render Shortcodes in Admin Editor . But I don’t think it’s exactly what you’re looking for, and from what I understand from your screenshot I suspect it’s not possible.
– brasofilo
It’s not exactly what I want. In the link it looks for a way to facilitate the user’s posts, only. Anyway, I’ll take a look, maybe I can change my scheme here and integrate more meta boxes within the post, instead of doing everything separately! Thank you!! But if by any chance anyone finds out if it is possible to use the features of editing in the meta box, please share here with the group!
– Alceu
Editing in Metabox is easy, I think you’re not explaining well what you want...
– brasofilo