Problem with mounting SQL query


Viewed 129 times


I have a table of "disciplines", a table of "students" and a table of "students" where these students may be enrolled in one or more disciplines. These disciplines are shown as checkboxes on the search screen to serve as a filter. Now I need to list all the values of the "students" table according to the selected disciplines, but I’m not getting.

This is the Query I’m doing:

    public function buscaAvancada ($Busca, $Condicao)
        $oConexao = new conexaoclass();
        $oConexao -> abrirConexao();
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM Alunos 
            INNER JOIN Disciplinas
            WHERE Alunos.Nome LIKE '%$Busca%'  
            AND Disciplinas.Nome = '$Condicao';";

        $this -> resultado = mysql_query($sql, $oConexao -> getConn());

On the search screen I’m doing the following test:

    if (empty($_POST['chkDisciplina'])) {
        $Busca = $_POST['txtbusca'];
        $_POST['chkDisciplina'] = '1';

        $oAluno = new alunosclass();
        $oAluno -> listar($Busca);
        $Busca = $_POST['txtbusca'];
        $arrayFiltro = $_POST['chkDisciplina'];

        $separador = ' AND ';
        $Condicao = implode( $separador, $arrayFiltro );

        $oAluno = new alunosclass();
        $oAluno -> buscaAvancada($Busca, $Condicao);

Now the problem is in the filter part, because if I just type a txt in the search with all checkboxes cleared it works perfectly.

Would anyone have any idea?

  • The relationship between Students and Disciplines is 1.. N ?

  • No, it’s N...N for students to have as many subjects as they want and vice versa

1 answer


Your condition separator is not properly separating the string passed via POST, which results in a query with no results.

Example by selecting two checkboxs (Portuguese and math) with the student 'Juquinha'

INNER JOIN Disciplinas
WHERE Alunos.Nome LIKE '%juquinha%'  
AND Disciplinas.Nome = 'portugues AND matematica';

Change your tab to $separador = "' AND '"; and you will have the following result:

INNER JOIN Disciplinas
WHERE Alunos.Nome LIKE '%juquinha%'  
AND Disciplinas.Nome = 'portugues' AND 'matematica';

OBS: After a quick test, I believe we also need to repeat the Disciplinas.Nome in every condition:

$separador = "' AND Disciplinas.Nome = '";

Resulting in the query:

INNER JOIN Disciplinas
WHERE Alunos.Nome LIKE '%juquinha%'  
AND Disciplinas.Nome = 'portugues' AND Disciplinas.Nome = 'matematica';

A good way to debug your querys is by making a echo variable with the generated query and copying this code in the program you use to manage your database (phpMyAdmin or Mysql Workbench for example)

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