Foreingkey is not updated


Viewed 27 times


I am unable to change a foreingkey field in the database. In my case, the objects (Typoendereco = 3 and Address = 2) already exist.

Follows the model (simple):

public class Endereco
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Cep { get; set; }
    public string Logradouro { get; set; }
    public string Bairro { get; set; }
    public string Cidade { get; set; }
    public string Uf { get; set; }
    public TipoEndereco Tipo { get; set; }

public class TipoEndereco
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Nome { get; set; }

I am changing the address data as follows:

        TipoEnderecoBLO teblo = new TipoEnderecoBLO();
        EnderecoBLO eblo = new EnderecoBLO();

        TipoEndereco te = new TipoEndereco();
        te.Id = 3;

        Endereco e = new Endereco();
        e.Bairro = "Casa Grande";
        e.Cep = "22.723-002";
        e.Cidade = "Rio de Janeiro";
        e.Logradouro = "Estrada do Mapuá";
        e.Uf = "RJ";
        e.Tipo = te;//aqui estou mudando o tipo de endereço
        e.Id = 2;

When sending the command:

_context.Entry(endereco).State = EntityState.Modified;

Some address data is changed, but the address type (Tipo_id) is not changed in the database.

Can someone help me?

1 answer


Incorrect way you are assigning the Address Type:

    TipoEndereco te = new TipoEndereco();
    te.Id = 3;

There are two ways to do it: either you select Address Type 3, or you create an address type 3 and attach it to the context to be observed.

Another thing is that the Address needs to be selected before it is changed.

Approach 1: Selecting from the context

    var te = contexto.TiposEndereco.FirstOrDefault(te => te.Id == 3);
    var e = contexto.Enderecos.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Id == 2);

    e.Bairro = "Casa Grande";
    e.Cep = "22.723-002";
    e.Cidade = "Rio de Janeiro";
    e.Logradouro = "Estrada do Mapuá";
    e.Uf = "RJ";
    e.Tipo = te;//aqui estou mudando o tipo de endereço
    e.Id = 2;

    contexto.Entry(e).State = EntityState.Modified;

Approach 2: Attaching an incomplete object to context

    TipoEndereco te = new TipoEndereco();
    te.Id = 3;

    contexto.TiposEnderecos.Attach(te); // Dará erro se Id == 3 não existir.
    var e = contexto.Enderecos.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Id == 2);

    Endereco e = new Endereco();
    e.Bairro = "Casa Grande";
    e.Cep = "22.723-002";
    e.Cidade = "Rio de Janeiro";
    e.Logradouro = "Estrada do Mapuá";
    e.Uf = "RJ";
    e.Tipo = te;//aqui estou mudando o tipo de endereço
    e.Id = 2;

    contexto.Entry(e).State = EntityState.Modified;
  • Hello again Gypsy, First, thank you so much for helping me! I made the following change: _context.TipoEndereco.Attach(address.Type); _context.Entry(address). State = Entitystate.Modified; _context.Savechanges(); Makes sense?

  • Yes, but I’ll need to update my answer.

  • Look now. It should work perfectly this way.

  • Gypsy, It worked perfectly! I’d like to ask you a question: Why did I have to bring the database address? So I can create a context? I say this because I am using an app console and for classes that have no relationship, I did not need to search them in the same database I searched for address. Thank you,

  • The Entity Framework uses what we call the Observer Context: it only synchronizes with the database the entities that we attach to the context, either by search or by attachment, as I explained. All this I speak in my course, if interested.

  • I’m already there. Looking for vacancies for

  • Just call me here. I take individual lessons too.

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