Code mute in iframe


Viewed 168 times


Can someone help me please, I want to put this iframe on my website, but I want him to play in mute, has some code to put inside the iframe to make him dumb?

someone explain to me how I do?

<iframe frameborder="0" width="320" height="180" src="//" allowfullscreen></iframe>

1 answer


According to the documentation, you can pass a parameter mute for him, where 0 is not mute and 1 is mute:

<iframe frameborder="0" width="480" height="270"
  • Valeu bro, and if I wanted to use ? autoplay=1 how would I do? or have no way to use both together?

  • @Kaios only pass one more parameter:

  • thanks Arthur, it worked here bro, smooth :)

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