Error synchronizing grandle with mask library for fields


Viewed 102 times


I’m trying to install a dependency to mask fields but when adding it, I have problems, in the log appears the following message:

Error:Execution failed for task ':app:processDebugManifest'. Manifest Merger failed : Attribute application@label value=(@string/app_name) from Androidmanifest.xml:39:9-41 is also present at [] Androidmanifest.xml:11:9-36 value=(Androidmask). Suggestion: add 'tools:replace="android:label"' to element at Androidmanifest.xml:35:5-170:19 to override.

the library is this:

1 answer


Occurs the following:

The above library uses this same Tag Label!

To correct it is necessary to specify in AndroidManifest which will be used by your application, as suggested in the error:

Suggestion: add 'tools:replace="android:label"' to element at Androidmanifest.xml:35:5-170:19 to override.

Follow an example:

  <application xmlns:tools=""


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