Remove json_encode result /ufeff


Viewed 504 times


When making a registration using ajax, Success does not execute the commands from within it, when analyzing the code I noticed that there is a /ufeff in the value returned by php and I think this is causing the error.

Php code:


header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8",true);
require "Conexao.php";

if (verificacaocCliente() == true) {
    $nome = mysqli_real_escape_string($conexao, $_POST["nome"]);
    $cpf = mysqli_real_escape_string($conexao, $_POST["cpf"]);
    $rg = mysqli_real_escape_string($conexao, $_POST["rg"]);
    $telefone = mysqli_real_escape_string($conexao, $_POST["telefone"]);
    $celular = mysqli_real_escape_string($conexao, $_POST["celular"]);
    $endereco = mysqli_real_escape_string($conexao, $_POST["endereco"]);
    $bairro = mysqli_real_escape_string($conexao, $_POST["bairro"]);
    $uf = mysqli_real_escape_string($conexao, $_POST["uf"]);
    $cidade = mysqli_real_escape_string($conexao, $_POST["cidade"]);
    $date_nasc = mysqli_real_escape_string($conexao, $_POST["date_nasc"]);
    $email = mysqli_real_escape_string($conexao, $_POST["email"]);
    $data = date("Y/m/d");

    $sql = "INSERT INTO cliente (Nome, CPF, RG, Telefone, Celular, Endereco, Bairro, UF, Cidade, Data_Nascimento, Email, Destaque, Negativo, Data_Insercao) VALUES ('$nome', '$cpf', '$rg', '$telefone', '$celular', '$endereco', '$bairro', '$uf', '$cidade', '$date_nasc', '$email', 0, 0, '$data')";

    $result = mysqli_query($conexao, $sql) or die (mysqli_error($conexao));

    if ($result) {
        $response = array("success" => true);
        echo json_encode($response);


                url: "Scriptsphp/novoCliente.php",
                method: "POST",
                dataType: "json",
                data: { nome: nome, cpf: cpf, rg: rg, telefone: telefone, celular: celular, endereco: endereco, bairro: bairro, uf: uf, cidade: cidade, date_nasc: date_nasc, email: email },
                cache: false,
                beforeSend: function() {
                success: function(response) {
                    if (response) {
                        $("#erro_cCliente").slideDown("fast").html("Cliente cadastrado !");
                        $("#nome, #cpf, #rg, #telefone, #celular, #endereco, #bairro, #email").val("").css({ "border": "1px solid #7D96BF" });
                        $("#uf, #cidade").val("Selecione...").css({ "border": "1px solid #7D96BF" });
                        $("#date_nasc").val("dd/mm/aaaa").css({ "border": "1px solid #7D96BF" });
                    } else {
                        $("#erro_cCliente").slideDown("fast").html("Erro no cadastro !");

how can I remove /ufeff ?

  • Have you ever tried to change the if(response) for if(response.success)?

  • Before the json_encode in PHP, put http_response_code(200).

  • Not yet, I tested the two tips but it’s still the same, the data is entered in the database but not executed what is inside the Success

  • What version of Jquery are you using?

  • I am using jquery 3.2.0

  • Try to change success: function(response) for done: function(response) then.

  • Not yet, the tin is that it was working this way a little while ago, and I made small changes in php like $data = date("Y/m/d"), and after these modifications it stopped working the Success but still works inserting in the bank @Killerjack

  • Really weird. Add after the beforeSend: always: function(obj, msg) { console.log(msg); }, and see in devtools or equivalent what appears.

  • Sorry for the mistake, but I’ve never used aways before, and while using it now I realize that nothing appears on the console, probably because I did something wrong, however, I notice something that may be the problem of all this, when I give the echo json_encode($response); there is a \ufeff before the {"success":true} (thing that does not happen in any other echo), it could be that ?

  • Update your question with the current code. Which editor are you using? Try switching the file’s Encounter to something without GOOD.

  • I’m using vscode, and I’ve made a pattern of Ncode across the site, reworked the question with the code

  • Change your Content-Type for application/json.

  • continues with /ufeff

  • Did you change the file encoding in your editor? Vscode has the option to choose encoding in some corner, I haven’t used it for a while so I can’t tell you exactly where. If it has with GOOD there, it will always put when saving the file.

  • The problem was really the GOOD, however I was looking in the wrong place, the problem was not in this file, but in the conexao.php, thanks for your patience and help @Killerjack and @Anderson Carlos Woss

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