Spring MVC x Spring MVC Boot


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What is the difference between Spring MVC x Spring MVC Boot?

Are they the same thing? Is there any advantage in using the second?

Thank you

1 answer


Spring Boot and Spring MVC are different things. Spring Boot contains Spring MVC, so by using it, you are already automatically using Spring MVC.

But it offers a very important advantage: it uses a concept called Convention over Configuration (Convention on Configuration), so it already sets some standards to allow you to more quickly and easily develop your application and put it on the air. With this, the number of settings you would have to make if you were to use only Spring MVC will be drastically reduced.

Nowadays, in my opinion, it doesn’t make more sense for you to start a new Spring MVC project without being with Spring Boot.

Now, if you want to use Spring MVC and Spring Boot, in an even easier and faster (and smart) way, you can use Grails 3. You’ll get all the advantages of Spring MVC and Spring Boot, and even more the facilities of Grails. Worth a try... (www.grails.org).

  • "Convention over Configuration (Convention on Configuration), so it already sets some standards to allow you to more quickly and easily develop your application and put it on the air."?

  • Specifically about Grails, you can check some conventions here: http://docs.grails.org/latest/guide/gettingStarted.html#conventionOverConfiguration https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conven%C3%A7%C3%A3o_sobre_configura%C3%A7%C3%A3o or https://www.techopedia.com/definition/27478/convention-over-configuration

  • Other conventions followed by Grails: By creating a domain class, it already creates a test file for you. If the class calls Person, then the file name will be Personal Spec. If you create a controller for the Person class, it will call Personal Controller. Nothing stops you from changing those names, but it’s already his convention. Initially it already defines that the database is H2, that the testing framework is Spock, which uses i18n to internationalize the application. Everything you can change, but for those who are starting an application, everything comes ready to use.

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