Taking data from a table from grades average of another table?


Viewed 94 times


Tabela - lista
id |  nota
1  |  10
2  |  8
3  |  7
1  |  8
3  |  9

I want to average the notes of those who have the same ID, and for that I created the following query:


With this query I wanted to remove all the information from another table from the id depending on the average they have, for example if the average of an id is higher than 9 are listed the names of these ids that are in another table.

Tabela - informacao
id   |  nome
1    |  Teste1
2    |  Teste2
3    |  Teste3
4    |  Teste4

By my search it is necessary to exist a query inside another only that will always result in error because it is not possible to compare the average of several results with a number. Remembering that I want to use this to list the names of the other table if they have a higher grade average. There’s a small example of what I want to do (the bottom example is wrong):

select informacao.* from informacao, lista where informacao.id like lista.id 
and 9<(SELECT AVG(nota) FROM lista GROUP BY id)

At the end of the query I wanted to be able to have the name of all those who had the average of notes higher than a chosen value.

1 answer


Select *, (select avg(note) from list Where list.id =info.id) as media from information

  • When I get to my computer, I give an improved answer

  • Thanks :) I have already managed to find a solution thanks to you. It looks like this: Select * from informacao Where 7 <= (select avg(note) from lista Where lista.id=informacao.id)

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