"Flake8 Crashed!" How to solve?


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A few days ago, I left Pycharm on the side and started using Atom. Everything worked smoothly and today, I wrote A LINE in Python and appeared the message "flake8 Crashed!".

I thought it was lack of some dependency, but it’s not. Someone going through the same problem or knows how to solve the same?

  • Could you put there which line caused the error and the example of the message you received? I’ve been looking at the Github repository and there are some issues about this problem, but I would need more information about the problem to help.

  • The line that caused the error was the simplest possible, was this: players = int(input("Number of players") .

  • You did some import?

  • The error stopped after I uninstalled flake8 and installed it again. It was probably a case by case, many people are having these errors. Anyway, open Atom’s Developer Tool for more information.

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