This is because in where
you were filtering exactly this situation: only "divisible" months for 3.
AND cast(to_char("HistoricoIndicador"."dt_criado",'mm') as int) % 3 = 0
If I understand correctly, you need to list the values of months per quarter, in which case you can use the function extract
recovering the quarter number using the interval quarter
"IndicadorPeriodo"."id" AS "IndicadorPeriodo__id",
"Meta"."meta" AS "Meta__meta",
(SUM("problemas") / SUM("total")) AS problemas,
extract(quarter from "HistoricoIndicador"."dt_criado") as periodo,
to_char("HistoricoIndicador"."dt_criado", 'yyyy/mm') as mes_ano,
when extract(month from "HistoricoIndicador"."dt_criado") <= 6 then '1º Sem.'
else '2º Sem.'
end as semestre
FROM "indicador_funcionarios" AS "IndicadorFuncionario"
LEFT JOIN "indicadors" AS "Indicador"
ON ("IndicadorFuncionario"."indicador_id" = "Indicador"."id")
LEFT JOIN "historico_indicadors" AS "HistoricoIndicador"
ON ("HistoricoIndicador"."indicador_id" = "Indicador"."id")
LEFT JOIN "indicador_periodos" AS "IndicadorPeriodo"
ON ("Indicador"."indicador_periodo_id" = "IndicadorPeriodo"."id")
LEFT JOIN "indicador_metas" AS "IndicadorMeta"
ON ("IndicadorMeta"."indicador_id" = "Indicador"."id")
LEFT JOIN "metas" AS "Meta"
ON ("IndicadorMeta"."meta_id" = "Meta"."id")
"IndicadorFuncionario"."funcionario_id" = 10131
AND "IndicadorPeriodo"."id" = 'T'
AND "Indicador"."id" = 1
ORDER BY "periodo";
If you need to display a row with the totals for each quarter, simply remove the column mes_ano
of select
and of group by
Trying to understand, you have a table of
which has periodically registered instances in thehistorico_indicadors
; and now wants to display all the rows in this table that have theirdt_criado
within the current quarter, which means months 1, 2 and 3 for the first quarter, 4, 5 and 6 for the second, 7, 8 and 9 for the third, and 10, 11 and 12 for the fourth, correct?– Wtrmute
Yes. (I hadn’t seen your comment before, Sorry!)
– Marcos Henzel