Make the width of the <ul> equal to the width of an image inside a <li> of the <ul>


Viewed 78 times


I have a ul, inside it has 3 li, inside one of these li has an image, I wonder if it has a method via css to make the width of ul equal the width of the image. (without changing the width of the image) I want to do this because the texts end up being larger than the width of the image and I can not change the size of the image

    <li><p>Texto texto texto</p></li>
    <li><img src="qualquer-img.png" alt="qualquer img"></li>
    <li><p>Texto texto texto texto texto texto texto texto texto texto texto</p></li>
  • 1

    I believe this should be the default behavior of ul. You can include the CSS you use?

  • the problem is that the texts end up getting bigger than the image, and I haven’t added css to this part of the code.

  • Maybe use width and height set?

  • As I said in the question I can not change the size of the image and I will have several lists like this and I would like a solution for all

1 answer


Put float: left on your ul, so the size of ul will suit your content.


    <li><p>Texto texto texto</p></li>
    <li><img src="" alt="qualquer img"></li>
    <li><p>Texto texto texto texto texto texto texto texto texto texto texto</p></li>


ul {  
  float: left;

ul li {
  list-style-type: none;
  • Not exactly what I would like, I need ul to stay with the width of the img and not the other way around.

  • @Danielcastro changed the css, see if it fits you. I made it in Jsbin, follow the link:,css,output

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