How to make an element disappear after used?


Viewed 301 times


How to make an element disappear after used for example :

When you click on a button it disappears and appears something like a Listbox?

Ps1 : If the question is confused warn

Ps2 : If you can tell what to do to bring the button back up, it helps a lot

1 answer


You can use the methods Hide() and Show() of its elements to hide and display respectively.

button1.Hide(); //Esconde o Botão
button1.Show(); //Exibe o Botão

This can also be used for other graphic components you want


Therefore, just add the codes in the sequence of actions you want, as in the example cited by you:

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    button1.Hide(); //Esconde o Botão
    listBox1.Show(); //Exibe o ListBox

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