A list to receive 20 whole numbers and store in a list and print the largest element in the list


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n = int(input("digite o número : ")
For i in lista:
 lista[i].append(input("digite o número"
 Print("lista cheia")

I’m new to Programming and I can’t implement what the questionnaire wants.

4 answers


To get the highest value in a list of numbers, there is the native function max:

numeros = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
print("Maior número da lista é:", max(numeros))

Returns the message:

Maior número da lista é: 5

To generate this list dynamically through the user input, in Python, the easiest is to use list comprehension:

numeros = [int(input("Número: ")) for i in range(20)]

The above line of code can be better matched with a similar but not analogous code snippet:

numeros = []
for i in range(20):
    numeros.append(int(input("Número: ")))

The final code would be:

numeros = [int(input("Número: ")) for i in range(20)]
print("Maior número da lista é:", max(numeros))

See working on Repl.it.


We can resolve this issue in this way:

maior = max([x for x in input('Digite os valores: ').split()])
print(f'O maior número da lista é: {maior}')

When we executed this code we received the following message: Digite os valores: . At this moment we must enter all values, in the same line, separated by a single space and press enter.


lista = []

while len(lista)+1 <= 20:
 lista.append(int(input("Digite um número: ")))

print ("O maior valor é: ", max(lista))
  • 3

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x = 1
lista = []
print('Digite 20 números.')
while x <= 20:
    n = int(input('Digite um número: [ %s ]: '%x))
    x += 1
print('O maior valor é:',max(lista))
  • 1

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