I need to find out which Groupid’s refers to this particular group http://steamcommunity.com/groups/NewSteamCommunityBeta
The list of ID’s of a user’s groups I get through this request: http://api.steampowered.com/ISteamUser/GetUserGroupList/v1/? key=Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&steamid=76561198077945243
How could I do this check in PHP ?
The problem is that if I do this for each gid it returns "Maximum Execution time of 30 Seconds exceeded" and does not complete the check.
– Robert Lang
@Robertlang you can try to optimize your code to run faster or increase the PHP Xecution Time Maximum or Make a database with Groupids on your server.
– victormoraesgs
@Robertlang I just looked and, in the source code of the page, there are some places that end up showing the group ID. I will update the answer with this information.
– victormoraesgs
I took advantage of this idea that you told me to get the information directly from the page and I saw that it would be easier to check whether the user is a member or not through the "Join Group" button with a preg_match, the problem is that it always returns the "Join Group" even when I’m already a member of the group.
– Robert Lang