Academic ER "system" modeling


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Guys, can someone help me? I’m doing a database job where I have to do an academic "system", I developed this photo ER, I have doubts of type: How do I make the teacher store the notes and frequencies ? How do I make the student view these grades and frequencies? Thanks in advance for the Force. inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • 1

    Grades are more related to discipline and student than teacher. Student has a discipline grade, so note is a discipline attribute linked to a student’s id and a discipline. I imagine you need a separate table, as you need to cross-reference student and discipline information.

  • A relation from N to N between student and discipline would generate another table, that’s it?

1 answer


Take a look at this model: academico

In the associative entity, an example of how to store the student’s history (just adapt to yours) is shown. For the student to see, simply assemble an SQL query after your conceptual model is mapped to the logical and then to the physical model.

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