Create a sequence of useful days in R


Viewed 505 times


I have a data frame the following columns:

Date (Only days of the week and without holidays, of several years) Month Year ... I want to create a sequence of business days. So I wanted a function that read the smallest day of the first month and the biggest day of the first month and put a sequence of 1 until the end. And repeat this for every month of my database.

Any idea??

1 answer


Use the package bizdays of Wilson Freitas

# install.packages('bizdays')
bizdays::bizseq('2017-01-01', '2017-01-31', cal = "Brazil/ANBIMA")

#> [1] "2017-01-02" "2017-01-03" "2017-01-04" "2017-01-05" "2017-01-06"
#> [6] "2017-01-09" "2017-01-10" "2017-01-11" "2017-01-12" "2017-01-13"
#>[11] "2017-01-16" "2017-01-17" "2017-01-18" "2017-01-19" "2017-01-20"
#>[16] "2017-01-23" "2017-01-24" "2017-01-25" "2017-01-26" "2017-01-27"
#>[21] "2017-01-30" "2017-01-31"

You can adjust calendar options by first looking at the help of this function.

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