Hybrid deployments with PHP Laravel Mysql + Mongodb


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I’m developing a system with PHP Laravel + MongoDB.

The login and password part will be modeled using MySQL and use MongoDB to make a quiz. I was thinking of putting together a Schema in MongoDB of that kind:

var quiz = [{

    user_id: 1, //Auth::id() | O id do user vai vir do Auth do php laravel
    name: "Quiz 1",
    question: [{
        title: 'question1',
        type: 'radio',
        elements: ['radio1', 'radio2', 'radio3', 'radio4'],
        correct: ['radio1'],
        resposta: ['radio3'] //errou
        title: 'question 2',
        type: 'checkbox',
        elements: ['checkbox1', 'checkbox2', 'checkbox3', 'checkbox4'],
        correct: ['checkbox1', 'checkbox2'],
        resposta: ['checkbox1','checkbox2'] //acertou

It is commonly, in the projects, to make a hybrid deployment of two banks?

  • I would do everything in Mysql, but nothing prevents such a process. If you don’t have as much knowledge in Mongodb then don’t use ...

  • What is your reason for using Mongodb instead of Mysql?

  • @Gabrielrodrigues I think it’s easier to do everything in one Schema than to create several tables, make the Foreign Keys and later the joins.

1 answer


The answer to your final question is: it depends. If you want to do a hybrid implementation, no problem, think carefully about the justifications for doing it (or not doing it). Considerations/questions that occur to me to help decide:

  • Do you already have users in Mysql? You can migrate them to Mongodb if applicable?
  • Want to take advantage of the referential integrity (joins) that Mysql already offers you?
  • Want to take advantage of the schema change flexibility in Mongodb? (Remember the 16MB document size limit)
  • If you use two banks you will need to manage two banks! two backups, two processes, two query optimizations...
  • Your system can grow to many users/base size/traffic that justifies Mongodb’s scalability?
  • Like the @Virgilio Novic comment, do you have experience with using/admin on Mongodb? Who knows wants to use the project precisely to gain experience.

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