Antivirus blocking access to camera


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I’m having trouble accessing the Webcam through Delphi, so I searched the internet for some components and found the following that I leave on the link below:

Directx Delphi Webcam Capture Example

However, my antivirus still keeps blocking access to webcam, even adding the example . exe to the exceptions.... the only way I can access is by disabling the antivirus service I have (Avast).

Does anyone have any idea how to make antivirus not block access?

  • Interesting. Here in the company where I work, we have an application that accesses windows records and sometimes Antivirus (Kaspersky) blocks it (treating it as a trojan). The guys put him on the exception list, everything normal. But once when running by Delphi, locked even it being in the list of exceptions, just because it is another directory (in the case of Delphi, the folder bin), different from the directory where we distribute the .exe and where we add exceptions from. It also happens to re-lock when there is update. It may have to do with the directory in your case?

  • Well, we believe not. I contacted the Avast and Avira people, sent the . exe to their false positive lab and when I received a feedback from them, both were no longer blocking access to webcam. Because both did not accuse the . exe as they change, simply "block" the image coming from the webcam.... I also sent the executable to Vírustotal, since the anti-viruses take information from there also about files... For now the problem is solved, in case someone else has, I recommend sending as a false positive.

  • Did you come to any other conclusion in those days?

  • I edited my reply @Alisson

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