mysql and php - subtract the last two records from the same column and divide by the last record from another column


Viewed 308 times


I have a table carro_log that stores the update history of another table.

id  kilometragem  combustivel  dt_atualização
 1      200           45         2017-05-03
 2      400           35         2017-05-03
 1      150           38         2017-05-02
 3      220           30         2017-05-01
 .       .             .             .  
 .       .             .             .

The calculation of the car yield is (current kilometer - previous kilometer) / current fuel of each id (car). How can I do this? Select and subtract the current and previous value from the same column?

  • For a given id (car), the last record is the current one, and the previous one is the immediately smaller date?

  • For the same id, yes.

1 answer


The query below will return in a new column the yield (according to its formula):

select *,
       cast((select (car.kilometragem - cAnt.kilometragem) * 1.0
             from carro_log cAnt
             where = 
                   and cAnt.dt_atualizacao < car.dt_atualizacao
             order by dt_atualizacao desc
             limit 1)
            / car.combustivel as decimal(7,2))  as 'Rendimento'
from carro_log car
order by dt_atualizacao

For the same table I made two selects:
- car = CURRENT

In the subconsultation is subtracted by the immediately previous record (using the limit 1 to ensure only one (1)) and also made a multiplication by 1.0 - to convert to float (could be with cast normally).
Finally, the division is made by the current fuel and the conversion to decimal(7,2) - for two decimal places only.

  • Hello Ismael, grateful for the answer. Almost that. I did a test, but it keeps the first value always as previous for the subtraction. That is, if I register the car and make the first two kilometer updates the result of the right. But if I do the third it takes the most current and subtracts with the first and not immediately previous (second record).

  • You missed an order by desc... I’ll correct

  • Great Ismael...perfect.. worked 100%. Hugs.

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