How to send a post to an Aspnetcore API without converting the data using Json.Stringify


Viewed 934 times


Hello, I’m starting to work with ASPNET Core and there’s a problem in working logic that I can’t accept (I understand as a really dumb thought). Let’s go to the examples:

NOTE: in all tests I am using jQuery library to facilitate understanding.

If I work with a webserver Expressjs (Node.JS), in a simple post to the server, I can make an ajax request like this:

    data:{bar:123},    // <-- objeto sem serializar

In this case, it is not necessary to transform the object of the parameter data in a string, using the resource data:JSON.stringify({bar:123}).

This also happens with other PHP frameworks I’ve worked with (like Laravel, codeigniter, zend, etc).

Now, if I have an ASPNET Core solution, I am required to make my request this way:

Request coming from the solution front-end

    contentType:"application/json;charset=utf8", // <-- excesso de código desnecessário
    data:JSON.stringify({bar:123}),              // <-- excesso de código desnecessário

Back-end controller of the solution

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;

namespace AppTest.Controllers
    public class FooController : Controller
        public JsonResult Post([FromBody] object req)
            return Json(req);

Question 1 - Is there any way I can compel ASPNET Core to SEMRPE accept the object without I have to do the serialization of it in my front-end?

Question 2 - Is there any way I can configure the solution so that it always receives the "application/json" contenttype? (This on the server side and not on the front end...)

  • 1

    Why are you using Object as a parameter for your action? Try to create a class and pass the JSON properties that will work without needing JSON.stringify in the client.

1 answer


Just as Thiago Silva said, I really needed to create a class with the methods that would be appropriate to be able to relate the content that will be posted. As I came from Javascript where we can have generic elements, I thought using object I would have the same behavior (which is not the case)... My solution was like this:

A new class: Foomodel

namespace AppTest.Models {
    class FooModel {
        string bar { get; set; }

Implement class in existing code

using AppTest.Models;

namespace AppTest.Controllers
    public class FooController : Controller
        public JsonResult Post([FromBody] FooModel req)
            return Json(req);

Because C# is an extremely typed language, I have to define the type of the input element first, otherwise it cannot interpret and parse the correct json...

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