How to compare two straight slopes from polynomial regressions in R?


Viewed 251 times


Hi, fellas.

I measured the air temperature every hour of a day in two treatments: below the canopy of 10 plants and in 10 open areas at a standardized distance from each plant. Therefore, I obtained two regressions between the hours of the day (predictor) and the air temperature (response). The relations between the variables have bell shape, so I need to adjust polynomial models. Then I need to compare the slope of the lines. I can use an ANCOVA to evaluate polynomial regressions and select the best model, using p<0.05 and higher value of R²?

ancova_null_model=lm(Response~1*Category, date)

ancova1=lm(Answer~predictor*Category, date)

ancova2=lm(sponse~Poly(predictor, 2)*Category, date)

ancova3=lm(sponse~Poly(predictor, 3)*Category, date)

Anova(ancova_null_model, ancova1, ancova2, ancova3)


Or should I make two regressions and compare the inclinations using another analysis? In this case, how can I compare the polynomial regressions slopes in an analysis?

All contributions are welcome!

  • 2

    Unfortunately, hardly anyone will answer this question here, as she runs away topics that can be asked in the OS. What I suggest is asking this question on the list R-br, for statistical theory is not an off-topic subject there.

  • R is a language for specific purposes but it is a language and the question (badly formulated no doubt) is still about programming.

  • Hi, Marcus. Thanks for the suggestion. I’ll send my questions to the R-br list. Hug!

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