I need black a few words within a Richedit in Delphi, it works normally when there is no line break. But when I insert a line break I cannot correctly select the word to apply the style.
All the examples I found are with the same problem.
In this example it stores the words that will be bold and the color they will have and when typing it will apply the formatting. But it only works until you insert a line break.
procedure TfrmRichEdit.RichEdit1KeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
LetrasValidas = ['a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '0'..'9', '<', '>', '!', '='];
iPosIni: Integer;
iPosFim: Integer;
iSelStart: Integer;
iSelLength: Integer;
iLoopFor: Integer;
sText: string;
// Guardaremos a posição inicial
iSelStart := RichEdit1.SelStart;
iSelLength := RichEdit1.SelLength;
sText := RichEdit1.Text;
// Acharemos o inicio da palavra
iPosIni := iSelStart;
if sText[iPosIni] in LetrasValidas then
for iLoopFor := iSelStart - 1 downto 0 do
if sText[iLoopFor] in LetrasValidas then
iPosIni := iLoopFor
// Acharemos o final da palavra
iPosFim := iSelStart;
for iLoopFor := iSelStart + 1 to Length(RichEdit1.Text) do
if RichEdit1.Text[iLoopFor] in LetrasValidas then
iPosFim := iLoopFor
// Selecionaremos a palavra
RichEdit1.SelStart := iPosIni - 1;
RichEdit1.SelLength := (iPosFim) - RichEdit1.SelStart;
// setaremos a cor original e estilo original
RichEdit1.SelAttributes.Color := clBlack;
RichEdit1.SelAttributes.Style := [];
// Atribuiremos a nova cor e estilo caso encontre a palavra
for iLoopFor := 0 to High(APalavras) do
if UpperCase(APalavras[iLoopFor].DS_PALAVRA) = UpperCase(RichEdit1.SelText) then
RichEdit1.SelAttributes.Color := APalavras[iLoopFor].VR_COR;
RichEdit1.SelAttributes.Style := APalavras[iLoopFor].ESTILO;
// Posicionaremos o cursor na posição original
RichEdit1.SelStart := iSelStart;
RichEdit1.SelLength := iSelLength;
The code got interesting. But there are some situations where it doesn’t apply the style correctly. For example: if I type a word that is in the list, it applies the style, so I break a line type the same word, it applies the style, so if I break a line and type some word that is not in the list no longer works after it. I haven’t been able to identify the problem yet.
– Wendel Rodrigues
I hit point two, take a look there.
– Henrique Marti
It’s getting round. rs But still have some problems to apply the style. For example: after typing a few lines it starts to apply a style when I start typing and sometimes when I finish typing the word it does not apply the corresponding style, and if I delete the word it keeps the style. Another situation is when I have a few words typed, so if I delete one at the beginning it loses the style of everything.
– Wendel Rodrigues
But man, you want me to do the whole software for you? I’m not developing the app, I open Delphi, I test, I find the problem, I answer and I close without saving. Your problem was the line break, it’s already solved. I think I’ve shown you the way to the rocks and now you touch the boat, that’s how you’ll have to do it.
– Henrique Marti
No time I asked you to develop everything. Similarly I’m doing tests here and trying to correct you did and managed to correct. This is just one part of the solution I am in need of. I really appreciate the help. I will mark as solved here.
– Wendel Rodrigues