Limit of input characters


Viewed 3,386 times


I want to assemble a jQuery that applies a limit of 255 characters within the input.

My idea and do something like that:

$(".loading").on('input', function () {
  // aqui eu tenho que fazer o bloqueio
  • 3

    Because you don’t use maxlength: <input type="text" name="usrname" maxlength="255">

  • pos I have a project that is already ready, if I’m going to put maxlength will take a long time. some input already has maxlength minor.

  • I believe the @Mathias response will help you.. D

3 answers


There are many ways to do this, as @Jessika commented:

<input type="text" class="loading" maxlength="255">

If you want to do the same, using jquery

function limitaCampo(campo, tamanho){

In case I want to do it the way you did: just change 'input' for 'keydown':

$(".loading").on('keydown', function (e) {
   if($(this).val().length >= 255){
      return false;

Follow a 2-character limit snippet:

*added e.keyCode != 8 e 9 p/ allow click on Backspace and in the TAB

$(".loading").on('keydown', function(e) {
  if ($(this).val().length >= 2 && e.keyCode != 8 && e.keyCode != 9) {
    return false;
<script src=""></script>
<input class="loading">

  • Good keycode tip != 8, don’t forget TAB either

  • @Guilhermenascimento perfect, added to the answer, ty.


I would like to suggest some modifications to what has already been proposed:

  • First keydown works well, but there is a limitation, but if you use it you will have to combine onpaste and oninput (or ondrop maybe, if dragging something) too.

  • Second, the event .on jQuery may be better applied if used in a "context", i.e. $(seletor).on(function()) wear this $(document).on(seletor, function()), because in this way jQuery detects better the modifications in DOM for example pages in Ajax

In general I recommend to exchange for onchange (propertychange for older versions of IE) and remove what is added later:

(function () {

    var limite = 10;
    function limitaInput(input) {
        if (input.value.length > limite) {
            input.value = input.value.substr(0, limite);
    $(document).on("propertychange change keyup", ".loading", function () {
        if (this.timerLimitInput) {
        this.timerLimitInput = setTimeout(limitaInput, 10, this);//Timeout para evitar conflitos

<script src=""></script>

<input class="loading">

In this way any manipulation in the <input> will be detected


You can use the event keydown instead of input and use an attribute data-* to set the limit (since you said in the comments that you cannot "trust" the attribute maxlength.

The implementation is very naive, but the idea is this.

$(".loading").on('keydown', function (evt) {
  var qtd = $(this).val().length;
  var limite = $(this).data('limite') || 255;

  if(qtd > limite && evt.keyCode != 8)
    return false;
  console.log(qtd, limite);
<script src=""></script>
<textarea class="loading" data-limite="10"></textarea>
<textarea class="loading"></textarea>

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