What’s a pull request for?


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I am working as a team in bitbucket and I would like to know what a pull request is for. On what occasions we should use this feature.

2 answers


When you have multiple people working on the same text file base, the ideal is for each person to have a copy of the code to work on. Don’t believe just because I’m telling you, try to open up online a. doc file shared and edit it simultaneously with several other people. Then take a thick salt bath.

To organize teamwork, something called "version control" was created long ago. To this day some old systems are popular, such as Microsoft’s Source Safe and SVN.

Version control systems that use git in general have a very specific feature, this so-called pull request. It’s basically a way for you to say: I finished my job, I need to integrate it into the main business, and here’s what I did. When using this feature, a record is generated on the server (e.g., the Github, which is very popular) which highlights the code differences between the branch in which you worked and the target branch of delivery. This makes it easy for the repository administrator to review their work. You can also start discussions about specific parts of the changes. Finally, git itself makes it easy to merge code.

This encourages peer review and teamwork, and in the case of open source projects also encourages community input.


Pull request is a mechanism where a developer can generate a notification that signals the completion of any Feature development. This lets everyone involved know that they need to merge the code into the main branch. In addition, changes can be discussed in a forum for possible improvements to the Feature in question.

See more in https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/making-a-pull-request

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