Repeated nodes xml c#


Viewed 121 times


Hi, I needed some help. I have this code:

XmlNodeList xnList = doc.GetElementsByTagName("Line");
foreach (XmlNode xn in xnList)
    string salescode = xn["ProductCode"].InnerText;
    if (salescode == code)

And this code shows the following: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

But when there are repeated numbers, I just want the first one to appear. How can I do this ?

1 answer


You can store the values already displayed in a list, and not display what is already in the list.

For example:

List<string> valoresExibidos = new List<string>();

XmlNodeList xnList = doc.GetElementsByTagName("Line");
foreach (XmlNode xn in xnList)
    string salescode = xn["ProductCode"].InnerText;
    if (salescode == code)
        if (valoresExibidos.Contains(salescode))
            continue; // isso faz o laço pular para o próximo nó
  • THANK YOU RENAN ! It was exactly what I needed ! Hug

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